
Scarecrowz OG endeavors to provide correct and complete information on this website to the best of its ability. However, Scarecrowz OG assumes no liability or warranty for the timeliness, accuracy, and completeness of the information provided on this website. This also applies to all connections to other websites (“external links”) to which this website directly or indirectly refers. Scarecrowz OG is not responsible for the content of a site reached via such an external link. Scarecrowz OG reserves the right to make changes or additions without prior notice. The content of the Scarecrowz OG website is protected by copyright. The reproduction of information or data, especially the use of texts, text parts, or image material, requires the prior consent of Scarecrowz OG. All information or data, their use, and registration on the Scarecrowz OG website, as well as all actions, tolerances, or omissions related to the Scarecrowz OG website, are subject exclusively to Austrian law. Place of performance and exclusive place of jurisdiction is Graz.

Company Data

Company name – Scarecrowz OG
Business purpose – trades
Address – 8075 Hart bei Graz
Company register number/company register court – 843577353759
VAT ID no. – 832758958763785
Contact –

Company Data

Company name
– Scarecrowz OG
Business purpose
– trades
– 8075 Hart bei Graz
Company register number/company register court
– 843577353759
VAT ID no.
– 832758958763785